Monday, January 4, 2010


This was at my family Christmas party on my mom's side. Jaxson was so excited for Santa! He could hardly wait to sit on his lap.

Then he didn't want to get off. He kept talking. Everyone laughed. I finally had to just take him off Santa's lap.

Christmas morning!

Jaxson really liked the car track.

It was a Cars Christmas.

This is Jake and Jaxson watching cars on Christmas night at my moms.

My brother, Jeff has become really popular with Jaxson and my nephews, that is ever since he bought his truck. They all beg for a truck ride when they see him.

This was on New Years day, which is also my mom's birthday, but I'm a butt and didn't get any pictures of her! Happy Birthday Mom! We took her to the Olive Garden for lunch and then we went and saw New Moon because she hasn't it yet, then we had the rest of my family to my house for pizza and cake.


Hillary said...

That is great that Jaxson is not afraid of Santa. Josh is srill a little shy when it comes to talking to him. Looks like a fun Christmas.

Andy and Ellen Family said...

I didn't know your mom was a new year's baby! How fun. Two fun parties in a row. Three I guess if you count Christmas. That is too cute that Jaxson wouldn't get off of Santa's lap and that he actually spoke to him is amazing!