Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Want a good laugh Twilight fans?

My brother, Clark, found this awesome website where they have done spoofs of the New Moon trailer and also Twilight. You have to watch the Official New Moon trailer and then watch this. I thought I might PEE MY PANTS laughing soooooo hard!! I love it because they even use the same music. I think Jon liked the "Twilight Before Christmas." Official Movie Trailer for New Moon.

Then here is the New Moon Spoof ( Just click on the highlighted part): "The Guinew Moon" and "Twilight Before Christmas"

PLEASE WATCH THEM IF YOU WANT A GOOD LAUGH. They remind of Saturday Night Live or Madtv bits.

1 comment:

Andy and Ellen Family said...

Andy and I had a good laugh at the videos! Even though Andy hasn't ever even seen the movie.