Friday, May 15, 2009

What a Makeover!

Oh, my goodness! I can't believe that was Kate Gosselin from "Jon & Kate Plus 8"
Did anyone else know she used to look like this? I didn't even recognize her. I gasped. I wish she could find a better hair style though.
Lately I have been watching the show here and there. I watched one recently where they went on a 2 week vacation where they drove to the beach. I wanted to know how they could do it.


Becky said...

I used to watch the show all the time, I just got worn of all the free stuff that they got. I think that I would have to drug my kids to drive to the beach!

Hillary said...

She looks great. IT looks like that before picture was taken in the hospital right after having babies (all of the braclets) That is not a fair before picture. I like the blond hair, but I agree with you the cut is not my favorite.