A couple of weeks ago, I saw grass in my front yard, and I thought, Yay, winter is almost over. Oh was I ever so wrong. We had a storm about a week ago. I was at work during the storm, and I thought, "oh good, it was just a small storm (because all of the snow down at my work had melted away by the time I went home.) I don't think I will even have to shovel when I get home." WRONG AGAIN. We had over a foot of snow at our house. Fourteen inches to be exact. Luckily I have the best wife in the entire world and she had already shoveled once, or twice, and all that I had to shovel was the huge Ice ball at the end of our driveway that would keep any normal sized two-wheel drive car from entering the driveway. Well that was the last storm of the season. WRONG, we have had two since. The last one was a small one, but today, we had another one like the first one. On my way to work, a truck turned over and dumped hamburger all over the freeway, MacDonalds will be short on a few hundred pounds of hamburger this week.
Once again, when I left work . . . no snow. But when I got home, over a foot. I love living in Layton.
Ryan and I were laughing when we saw the news last night and they said East Layton got 18 inches. I thought about calling you, but I decided that would just be pouring salt in a wound. Just know we feel your pain. that is how last winter was for us.
It snowed all day at our house but it was warm enough that it melted when it hit the ground. It seems like this winter If we get a light snow you get dumped on and vice versa.
Jacob has been doing the same thing. His work no snow are house, SNOW. It seemed that way all last week and now this week (so far). He will be happy to know that some one else has come home to the same shock he has.
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