Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Jaxson has been way grumpy the last few days and we suspected he was teething and then the other day you could start feeling a tooth, especially when you feed him food, he clamps on the spoon and you can tell there is more than his bottom two teeth.

Then today I decided I wanted to look at it. I should say them because there are 4 coming through. 4. So I have been giving him everything I can to make him feel better. Hopefully they'll all be through soon. Now Jaxson can have steak!!! ha, ha!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Video Library - Channel 2 News Utah

Video Library - Channel 2 News Utah

Click on Top Stories

Then search for the story

Title: "Neighbors Growing Tired of Refinery Incidents"

Surprise, Surpise

So, yesterday Jon and I just got back from spending the day at Jon's grandma's house doing yard work and Jon's work picnic, when I got a knock at the door. My brother, Clark had just called and said he would be stopping by, so I automatically thought that it was him. But it wasn't. It was a beautiful news reporter from Channel 2 news. I was soooooo caught off guard, because I was just watching the olympics and Legally Blonde and letting Jaxson destroy the front room. She asked if she could interview me about the leak that happened that day at the refinery next to our house. So I said yes and ran in and told Jon. I hurried and put chapstick on and then went out.

Mind you that I had been pulling weeds and so my allergies were terrible. My hair was completely out of control from being in the wind and letting it air dry. So I was a little hesitant about doing the interview. Jon refused to come out with me. I can't even remember what I said. I was laughing so hard after they left. We called our families and had some good laughs. If you also want a good laugh, view this video.

The best part is, is when we went to watch it, Jon's all "it's not going to be on for a few minutes." IT WAS THE TOP NEWS STORY. We could not stop laughing. Especially when they said my name a billion times. I hope you got a good laugh like we did.